Artwork Information

Artwork Specifications: Add $5 (Z) per artwork. Email art to the factory. Add $5 (Z) per artwork proof. Please be sure to identify your artwork by submitting it with the purchase order number referenced in the subject line. Artwork must be provided as vector art. Artwork can be submitted as .EPS, .AI or .PDF files created in Adobe Illustrator CS5 for PC or CorelDraw X4 for PC. All fonts must be converted to outlines or curves. Raster art saved at 300 DPI or higher and actual size is also acceptable for 4 color process artwork only. Template and image requests can be found on our website or by emailing factory.


Set Up Charges: Initial orders are subject to the set up charge(s) listed under the specifications and charges of an item. Reorder set up charges are billed at 1/2 of the initial setup charge. Artwork is kept on file for 1 year.


Variable Data: (Personalization) Add $1.75 (V) per drinkware, plus an additional setup charge of $60 (V). Available with laser engraving only.


PMS Match: PMS color match is available on direct imprint orders only. See specifications and charges of individual items for pricing. Stock colors are offered as an exact match for no additional charge. Factory will match PMS colors as closely as possible if there is no exact match needed. Due to different surfaces and methods of imprinting, colors may appear differently.